Guild - Sarastus history

Basic information of the Parantola guild.

Valvoja: The Officers

Main Tank Masumusu
Viestit: 287
Liittynyt: Ti Heinä 04, 2006 1:08
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Guild - Sarastus history

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jasumasu » Ke Joulu 13, 2006 16:10

Guild Name: Sarastus
Guild Faction: Alliance
Realm: Kul Tiras-EU
Guild Master: Hagmar
Officers: Turhís, Ferplast

Sarastus is a finnish-only guild formed in the beginning of the year 2007 when TBC was released. The guild was formed of the core members of a guild called The Warriors of Finland. After quite successful WoW Vanilla raiding (clearing BWL in 2 weeks etc) we wanted to leave the old guild (and its horrible name) behind to dominate the realm with a brand new title. Thus Sarastus (which means dawn in finnish) was born.

PVE Progress

We've killed something.


Blackwing Descent Cleared (21.2.2011)
Bastion of Twilight cleared (10.1.2011)
Throne of the Four Winds cleared (17.1.2011)

Guild reactivated on Cataclysm lauch!


Disbanded, March 2009

Wrath of the Lich King


Obsidian Sanctum
- Sartharion + 3 drakes (25.1.2009)
- Sartharion + 1 drake (2.12.2008)

Eye of Eternity cleared (10.12.2008)

Naxxramas cleared (1.12.2008)


The Burning Crusade

Sunwell Plateau
- Kil'jaeden down (30.10.2008)

- Eredar Twins down (11.8.2008)
- Felmyst down (20.5.2008)
- Brutallus down (28.4.2008)
- Kalecgos down (3.4.2008)

ZA cleared (15.11.2007)

Black Temple
- Illidan Stormrage down (29.1.2008)
- Illidari Council down (20.1.2008)
- Mother Shahraz down (8.1.2008)
- Gurtogg Bloodboil down (7.1.2008)
- Reliquary of Souls down (30.10.2007)
- Teron Gorefiend down (21.10.2007)
- Shade of Akama down (1.10.2007)
- Supremus down (25.9.2007)
- High Warlord Naj'entus down (25.9.2007)

Mt. Hyjal
- Archimonde down (18.12.2007)
- Azgalor down (16.9.2007)
- Kaz'rogal down (10.9.2007)
- Anetheron down (3.9.2007)
- Rage Winterchill down (27.8.2007)

Tempest Keep: The Eye
- Kael'thas Sunstrider down (26.8.2007)
- High Astromancer Solarian down (30.7.2007)
- Al'ar down (19.7.2007)
- Void Reaver down (20.6.2007)

- SSC cleared (Lady Vashj killed 24.7.2007)
- Magtheridon's Lair cleared (24.5.2007)
- Gruul's Lair cleared (Gruul killed 26.3.2007)
- Karazhan cleared (Prince 18.2.2007)

Vanilla (as The Warriors of Finland)

BWL (Cleared)
-Razorgore & Vael down 35man (3.12.2006)
-Broodlord down 30man (16.12.2006)
-Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor down 35-38man (17.12.2006)
-Chromaggus down 33man (18.12.2006)
-Nefarian down 40man (first time ever full 40man WoF raid) (19.12.2006)

MC - Farm (1st Ragna kill 18.11.2006)
ZG - Farm (1st Hakkar kill 3.9.2006)
AQ20 - Farm (1st Ossirian kill 30.9.2006)

Onyxia - Farm (1st kill 13.10.2006 20man)
Kazzak - 2 Kills
Taerar - 1 kill (17.12.2006)
Azuregos - 1 kill (1.1.2007)
